On the 7th and 8th May the Richard Hale Young Games Maker Team attended the London Disability Grand Prix (London Prepares Series) as part of our test event programme. The aim of this event was to test every single aspect of Paralympic Athletics, from the ability to start a race, to measuring the distance of throws. This was also an opportunity to test out the equipment which we would be using, and to get some real hands on experience as a 'Tie-Down' crew. Our job involves securing the throwing frames of Paralympic Athletes (who are seated for their throws) to the throwing circle, we have to make sure that the throwing frame remains stable whilst the athlete is throwing, and is in the preferred position of the athlete in question. As a team we performed our role very well, considering this was the first time we had ever attempted the role, we were not expecting miracles, however all six of the athletes which we looked after competed well in their respect categories, and enjoyed communicating and even engaging in 'banter' with us! We would once again like to say a huge thank you to the Parents Association of Richard Hale School who financially supported the team throughout the test event period. We stayed as a team in premier inn during our test event, as the trains did not run early enough for us to journey up from home. During our stay we met with and spoke to many technical officials and many members of the LOCOG workforce, it was great to discuss our journey, our plans and our expectations with other people who were also involved in the games. The general public were also generally intrigued by what we were doing, and our flash new 'London Prepares Series' jackets ensures that we stand out from the usual London crowd!
The next test for us a team will be the East of England Athletics Championships, on the 19th May, where we have been asked to organise and run a disability section for young athletes of all classifications,which will allow them to compete in the year of the London Games, and to see perspective members of Team GB!
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