Wednesday, 27 June 2012

National Sports Week!

As part of National Sports Week the Richard Hale Young Games Makers team have been involved in numerous events, within both their Games Maker duties, and their local legacy projects.

On Monday the 25th June, World Sports Day, Aaron, Lucy, Connor, Tom and Simon were all involved in the Top Sports Ability Festival, coordinated by Simon Wake, as part of their Level 3 Higher Sports Leaders Award. The day was a multi-sports event, for local schools, Amwell View and Pinewood, schools for those with learning difficulties. The day was themed around the Paralympic values- courage, determination, inspiration and equality, all of which were shown by the competitors on the day, who all went home with a smile on their face, after enjoying a full day of sporting activities.

On Tuesday the 26th June, 21 schools from Hertford and Ware competed in the WWW Games. The team was involved in many different sports on the day, Simon Wake, Liam Cloona, Liam Dee and Tom Bryan were instrumental in running the athletics section of the competition, whilst Aaron and Connor recalled their year 6 knowledge of Lacrosse to aid in the coaching side of the sport. Other members of the team were also involved in running the Paralympic themed sports for able-bodied competitors as part of their higher sports leaders award. The day once again was featured around the Paralympic and Olympic values, with certificates being awarded to those who demonstrated the values in their competitions. Over 600 local school children enjoyed the day, which is a great achievement for the Games Maker team members, and the local sports partnership!

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